Heartland Transmission and Distribution Line Project

Xi Safety TM Inc was engaged by our client to undertake a eight week evaluation of the safety performances of all contractors and stakeholders on this project.  We identified present challenges that were hurdles to successful safety opportunities and performance while developing a new model for implementing corrective actions.

Evaluation Phase:

  • an analysis of the existing data, programs and processes being used.
  • interview and conversations with Field Safety Teams, Supervisors, Senior Project Management and workforce.
  • task observation on all phases of work activities on the project

Safety Data Analysis:

Investigation of the project’s leading and lagging key indicators for content and effectiveness that included:

  • all incident reports were trended and risk ranked with those deemed High Potential were subjected to root cause analysis.
  • observe the quality and content of contractor and project orientations and make recommendations for immediate and long term improvements.
  • attend and monitor the content and quality of tail gate/safety meetings and  make recommendations for improvements.
  • review all hazard assessments that were made for the project and determine their relativity for work being performed and recommend adjustments.
  • review project safety goals to determine if TRIR rate is practical and attainable based on present trends.
  • thorough review of all contractor safe work procedures and to determine based on HSE administration as to whether they are being properly utilized and recommend required changes where needed.
  • review and recommend an overall restructuring of the management of change process to include a better process of sign off and worker inclusion.

Interview/Conversation/Observation Process:

This stage focussed on actual comptency demonstration, attitude and each employer and worker’s understanding of their roles and responsiblities within the frame work of Alberta OH&S Act, Section 2 (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and Prime Contractor Role Section 3 (1), (2), (3), (4)

  • examination of the effectiveness and commitment of the project leadership and their engagement in the Project Safety Execution.
  • examination of the existing project and contractor safety cultures, making detailed recommendations for improvement.
  • observations of attitudes and behaviors on site during work and planning sessions, including participation at all levels in the safety process.
  • review and recommend improved content and clarity of work detail and instructions.





Pollyne (10 Posts)