Kinder Morgan Canada/Black Gold Inspection (TMX Anchor Loop Pipeline)

The TMX – Anchor Loop Project involved twinning (or looping) a 159-kilometre (99-mile) section of the existing TMPL system between Hinton, Alberta, and Hargreaves, British Columbia, and the addition of two new pump stations.

Although not aligned with Xi Safety, this past project is an example of the level of expertise our personnel gained. The Project Safety Manager worked closely with the Senior Project Management, Senior Contractor Management and field teams to ensure project goals were met and exceeded. With a project spanning two provinces through a National and Provincial Park that are two United Nations, UNESCO world heritage sites and lasting 18 months the Safety Team made up of present Xi Senior Managers successfully concluded this project with over 2.2 million man hours. Field Project Safety Lead was responsible for the portfolios of Safety and Emergency Response. Work closely with regulators including National Energy Board (NEB), Parks Canada, BC Parks Service, BC Ministry of Forestry (Fire Protection Div.) and local emergency services along the project in Alberta and British Columbia. The position is the most senior health and safety subject matter expert at site and provided extensive guidance and support to the Project Management Team, project spread safety advisors, inspection personnel and spread contractors.

Pollyne (10 Posts)