Kinder Morgan Canada/Black Gold Inspection (Trans Mountain Pump Station Expansion Project)

The Trans Mountain Pump Station Expansion Project was successfully completed in 2007. It added 10 new pump stations along the existing TMPL system from Stony Plain to Surrey, BC. which increased its capacity by 5564 m3/d (35,000 bpd). As with the TMX Pipeline Project this position responsible for the portfolios of Safety and Emergency Response. Work closely with regulators including National Energy Board (NEB), BC Parks Service, BC Ministry of Forestry (Fire Protection Div.) and local emergency services along the project in Alberta and British Columbia.

Although Xi Safety was not directly aligned, the Project Safety Manager who is now a managing partner, developed project safety execution documents including Emergency Response Plan, HESS Management Execution Plans, Contractor Selection, HSE subject matter expertise to the Project Director, Chief Inspectors, 6 field safety advisors and regulatory liaison. In addition the Project Field Safety Lead position is the most senior health and safety subject matter expert at site and provided extensive guidance and support to the Project Management Team, project spread safety advisors, inspection personnel and project contractors. When required acted as a liaison with regulators including the National Energy Board (NEB).

Pollyne (10 Posts)